Why I teach at Makers Academy
I have been asked a couple of times now why I teach at Makers Academy instead of making a lot of money with my skills. I could write about many...
Use your imagination
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. ~ Albert Einstein One of the hardest thing for a learner is to start being able to use his imagination...
Agile & XP Basics
Yesterday I gave a little talk at Makers Academy on the basics of agile and specially XP. You can find it on Speaker Deck here.
Writing for the next developer
The other day I was going through some code with Evgeny and we had a discussion about the cleanness of it. The code in question was by no means wrong...
You cannot teach someone to code in n-weeks
You read that right. Surprised? Challenged? I hear those words a lot from people not involved in helping people to learn how to code. It seems, to them, that what...